What’s up guys?

It’s been a few days. I was a busy bee 🐝 painting everyday while juggling everyday’s responsibilities and just trying to thrive in this world. 🌍 The usual..

But since I really liked that Throwback Thursday idea ⏪ I’m gonna continue doing so.

So bucle up, we’re in for a ride 🚗

👩🏻‍🎨So this piece was from a few years ago. As was usual for me back then, I painted it with watercolour. One of my favourite brands is Royal & Langnickel 🎨 can’t recommend enough. Pretty good pigments and so vibrant!

Since I love digging into religions, the occult, paganism and so on, I had to paint something including an ouija board. I like joking around and have a bit of a dark humor, so since my husband was away, I started to think about us and our furry kids when he came home and having a «fun family game night, board games and all that jazz». So the painting just came to me and BANG!

I wanted to be our unity, our closeness more important than «playing the ouija board». So I thought it’d be more impactful to just show our hands, expecting, waiting, but all together. Also, since it was «some clean fun» I thought, yes, the board has be in a lighter color but also a bit dark. Something «like falling into the unknown while having fun» and what better blue hues? And just to make it pop, a yellow background.

So that was a fun one. Most of my paintings are fun (at least to me). I enjoyed this thoroughly.

And I hope you enjoyed this short explanation too🫶🏻

Oh, yes, I made a gif on Procreate with my kitty being mean to my doggie. They are so silly and siblings all the way.

If you’d like to see some more gifs I made over Procrete, just go here 🌱

Of course, here’s last week’s post I made over Instagram ICYMI 👇🏻

💌 PS If you want to support me, go ahead and share my posts, and if you’re feeling a little more funky, you can tip me here, or you can tell me what you think about my artwork and blog posts! 🌞

Have fun and Godspeed.

My paintings 🖼️

Art made with love 💌

Throwback Thursday pt.2 ⏪