Hello 💃 🪩

Let me share what song I’m listening to right now as I’m writing this, maybe you’ll play it and we’ll be like twinsies. Though to be honest, I’m listening the whole album.

So, now, let’s get it into it 👩🏻‍🎨

Summer’s solstice is today. How time flies! I feel it went by in the blink of an eye 👁️ I was doing this around this time last year. It feels so surreal


I made these three weird fellas on gouache. What do you think? Is it noticeable Inlove human eyeballs or medieval illustrations?

♬ Creepy Violins – Apollo Nove

So of course, I drew this! I thought it was such a cool way to celebrate 🥳 , without further ado: the wheel of the year!

Come here if you’re interested to see a video on how I drew it ✍️

I had to upload this on a gif, otherwise I’m not able to 😢 (sorry) but I still thought it was such a cool way to interact with you guys!

Never been to one before that, so to be honest, all I could think of was something like this

Or this…

So as always I’d like to know watcha think 💭