Hello, guys. What’s up?


I’ve been taking it a little bit slower. It helps from time to time to actually rest. Though, in fact resting can be for some a luxury, it shouldn’t and whenever possible and needed, everyone should rest. 💤

Now, getting that out of the way, let me introduce you to this week’s throwback Thursday!

Without further ado…

Drum roll, please 🥁

A nun I painted three years ago (how time flies) on an A4 paper with watercolour. I used to work only with watercolour but last year I made the switch to gouache. Haven’t looked back, but I should revisit watercolour again I love it, really. 🩷

Maybe this nun reminds to the Daughters of Charity or even the flying nun. (the second seems to have been inspired by the first ones too).

So nuns and virgins are recurring themes on my paintings. Here’s another one from around the same time 👇🏻

You can notice it since I’m using the same color scheme. You can also notice how I love painting flies too 🪰 (and well pink in all its hues).

They have a something, these type of «symbols». The religious, the spiritual. People may believe in it or not, people have different meaning to it, different shapes and colours, it’s usually the same feeling: a bit mysterious, a bit ominous, maybe even eerie.

So I’m very drawn to it, I think I signed up for it for life.

Anyway, painting is one of my many things, but taking pictures… I have to work on it, I need to make justice to these paintings and my newer ones, so I really try!

I was even thinking about revisiting these paintings, either with watercolour or gouache, what do you guys think?

Part of me wants to see if I’d take it to the next level or just maybe have some fun, no pressure.

And also have other paintings with nuns, I think two and I’m gonna be sharing them in the next few weeks.

You gotta prioritise, I paint and then I do my best to hustle not only by promoting my art and making it look appealing but with other stuff too, you girl’s gotta eat.

Anyway, I do hope this post finds you well and that it took your mind off things. If you’re having a crappy day, I hope it’s over soon, maybe even have a cup of tea, just like I am now.

I can’t promise tomorrow will better, but as long as there’s hope, it really can be


💌 PS If you want to keep supporting me, go ahead and share my posts, comment, follow me on social media and if you’re feeling a little bit more funky, you can tip me here or here or you can purchase one of my digital prints here. 🌞